Character - by Jenny68 |
Story - by Darcy |
Villian - by Kaboo |
What's My Line Part 1, has a whole slew of new baddies descend on Sunnydale. As Buffy questions her responsibilities and role as The Slayer, Spike concocts a new approach to keep Buffy from interfering with his plans. He invites "the big guns" to take the Slayer out, while he concentrates on his one true obsession.
Of that one true obsession is curing Drusilla of her weakness. Spike's frustration at Buffy is more than the ordinary "vampires hate the Slayer"; rather, Spike sees Buffy as the main obstacle in restoring Drusilla. Thus, his motivation at wanting Buffy out of the picture is not simply hatred, but love for Dru. Again, Spike shows that he is unique among vampires. In the end, he is not too proud to call in help in destroying Buffy, if that humility means that Dru will be cured. Thus, on Spike's invitation, The Order of Turaka enters the scene. An elite association of assassins, in existence since the time of King Solomon (according to Giles), the group's motto is "to sew discord and kill the unwary." Both Angel and Giles recognize the danger to Buffy: these creatures are relentless killing machines, and Buffy alone is no match for them. While Buffy remains unaware of Spike's plans, Principal Snyder plays his usual role of human villain, by giving Buffy yet another "hoop of the week.": the career fair. The situation is extremely painful for Buffy because she knows she has little choice in her future: her destiny is to be the Slayer. The career fair allows Buffy to discuss her own misgivings about being the Slayer, but it also distracts her from the dangers that Spike has arranged for her. Drusilla's psychic powers seem to identify the symbolic nature of the three assassins sent: a one-eyed monster, a worm, and a leopard hiding in the bush. The worm, a traveling cosmetics salesman composed of worms, is seen to visit and attack Buffy's neighbour. At the end of the episode he enters Buffy's house at Cordelia's invitation, as Cordy is tempted by the beauty products. The first of the three assassins to confront Buffy, the one-eyed man, makes his move against Buffy at the ice rink. Thanks to Angel, she is saved, and the incident becomes a means to show how true Buffy's love for Angel really is: she kisses him, despite his embarrassment at his demonic appearance. That love is also shown to be a distraction, as Buffy and Angel kiss unaware of the stranger watching them. The stranger turns out to be a threat to Angel, as she attacks him when he is trying to obtain information from Willie, a human who freely associates with Sunnydale's vampire element. Without compassion she leaves him locked in a storage room that will allow him to be exposed to the sun's rays when daytime approaches. Angel is helpless to stop her as she seeks out Buffy. The confrontation between Buffy and the stranger occurs in Angel's apartment, where again Buffy's strength and skill are put to the test. However, the fight takes an unexpected turn, when the seeming villain claims to be "Kendra, the Vampire Slayer." The truth of this statement, and the progression of Spike's villainous plans remain to be seen in the second part of this episode. I give this episode 4.5 out of 5 Ehs. |
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