Buffy Reviews


Character - by Jenny68

     Jenny68 gives this ep 3 eh's out of 5.

     Everyone finds out about Angel

     Xander flies off the handle because he sees Buffy and Angel kissing.

     Willow's cool with it because of her own big secret. The fact that she and Xander have this forbidden love thing going on. Willow almost tells Buffy about it, but she's interrupted by the demon.

     Giles is very upset with Buffy. He feels she doesn't respect him because she never told him that Angel has come back. Angel tortured him a lot, not to mention that he may be a threat to all the people close to Buffy, and for that, he turns cold to Buffy. Giles also has his own problem. The new watcher for Faith makes him feel inadequate, calling him too `Americanized'. In the end though, this makes no difference, as the new watcher turned out to be totally psycho.

     Faith is the last to find out, and she goes postal at the fact. She jumps to conclusions when she and Xander find Giles left for dead in his office, and assumes Angel did it. When she goes to kill Angel, Buffy stops her and they have an all out chick fight. Faith is very angry at Buffy because she thought she could trust her, and it turns out, Buffy kept secrets. At the end Buffy tries to make things right between the two of `em, but Faith has retreated into only trusting herself. Who blames her when her new watcher turns out to be a psycho power abuser, not to mention her colleague keeping secrets from her.

     In the end, Xander accepts the fact that Angel is back. He also realizes that he jumped to conclusions about the kiss Buffy and Angel shared. Willow's cool with Angel also, considering he saved her life.

Story - by JaKaL

Villian - by Kaboo

     Although Revelations lacks the diversity of villains the most recent BTVS episodes have delivered, the villains provide interesting twists for plot and character development of the regular characters, and even allow them to explore their own villainous tendencies.

     The opening of Revelations brings the arrival of the episode's main villain, Mrs. Post, who announces that she is Faith's new Watcher, as well as being an evaluator for Giles' performance as Buffy's Watcher. Although she is portrayed as both smug, critical, and patronizing, Mrs. Post's true intent is hidden under her "stiff upper lip," as Giles and Faith both react defensively to her criticisms. While it is true that the demon Loconus searches for the mysterious and infamous glove on Minigon, he is far less a threat Mrs. Post, who hides her true ambitions under a guise of protocol and discipline. She fools everyone, allowing the Slayers to remove Loconus from her path so that she can claim the tremendous power of the glove for herself.

     Loconus is a truly strong demon, in physical sense, but he lacks the cunning and charisma of other demons that Buffy has encountered. He serves a number of purposes in this episode: 1) to deflect attention from Mrs. Post's quest for the glove of Minigon, 2) to show that although she is formidable, Faith still lacks a number of Buffy's skills as Slayer, and 3) to give Xander a reason to be searching graveyards, and cross paths with Angel.

     In fact, the arrival of Loconus, and his raiding of graves to find the glove is the trigger for many of the "revelations" that develop main characters. Buffy's secret protection of Angel makes her seem a villain, or at the very least, deluded, to the regular Buffy gang, particularly Xander, Cordelia, Faith, and Giles. Xander shows his dark side in wanting to accompany Faith on her mission to destroy Angel; Faith shows her own dark side when she abandons an injured Giles to pursue her deadly mission. Loconus also offers another venue for main BTVS characters to show their shadow sides: in researching the demon, Xander and Willow give in yet again to their sudden attraction to each other, thus betraying both Cordelia and Oz. Although Willow sees the parallel between her secret and Buffy's , the similarities are lost by Xander, as his desire for vengeance against Angel consumes him.

     In the end, Angel proves that he has abandoned his own villainous past again, by working to destroy the glove of Minigon, and saving Willow from a horrible death. Mrs. Post is consumed by the very power she calls up, her folly being her belief that once she put on the glove, she would be invincible. As for the main characters, Xander seems to have forgiven Buffy for her secrecy, although he and Willow have not halted their own secret relationship.

     I give this episode 3.75 out of 5 Ehs.

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