Canadian PB Parties

If there is a PB party going on in Canada, we'll know about it (and it will be listed here). If you would like to add a party to this page just e-mail the details to and please use 'PB Party' as the subject.

Vancouver PBFP - July 30, 31, and August 1, 1999

Want to get your picture taken in front of Frank Black’s yellow house? Want to dangle off the tram like Mulder did in “Duane Barry”? Okay, well maybe just ride up in it. Or stand in the building Richard Gere “designed” in Intersection? Or check out the bridge they used in The Highlander?

Well you’ve seen it in the X-Files. You’ve seen it in Millenium. You’ve seen it in Strange World. You’ve seen it in Highlander. You’ve seen it in Disturbing Behaviour, The Accused – Jody Foster won an Oscar for her role in that one – Intersection, Jennifer 8, Sliders, The Outer Limits, Poltergeist – The Legacy, Stargate SGI and just about every bad tv movie of the week for the last few years. Now you can see it in person. Come to Vancouver, the city in Canada where the igloos are made of fibre glass and the dogs pull sleds on wheels. The home of Sarah Mclachlan, kd lang, Gillian Anderson (part time anyway) and Tommy Chong.

You’re American and you think you can’t afford it? Ha! Get that exchange rate working for you! Depending on what our respective currencies are doing, everything could be half price for you!

Interested? Got questions? E-mail Cleio. Looking forward to seeing you there.

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