Buffy Reviews

Lover's Walk

Character - by Jenny68

     a.. Giles actually goes away for a few days. This is the first time he's ever left Buffy in Sunnydale to take care of the slaying duties 'unwatched'.

     a.. Buffy kicks butt on her SAT's. She surprises everyone, including herself. Of course with good scores, a lot more options are open as to which college she can attend next year. Joyce is elated at having the option of Buffy going to a good college, starts pushing for the East Coast schools. Of course Buffy has mixed feelings, not only because she would have to leave Sunnydale, but also because she would be leaving Angel behind.

     a.. Buffy doesn't want to leave Angel, but he tells her as a friend, it would be best if she left Sunnydale and went to college. This was not what Buffy wanted to hear, and she leaves.

     a.. Joyce isn't the only one pushing the move away from Sunnydale. Giles suggests that Buffy may be able to leave her slaying duties to Faith and go off to college.

     a.. Xander and Willow are finding it hard to avoid their attraction. Willow feels especially guilty for lusting after Xander and decides to try a de-lusting spell on Xander. Xander arrives and becomes wise to her plan, yelling at her for trying such a thing. This doesn't matter anyway, because Spike comes in and takes them both away for his purpose of getting Drusilla back. Spike gives Willow the option of casting a love spell for him, or having Xander and herself killed. Spike leaves them alone in the factory where Willow and Xander eventually break down their resolve and start a major smooch fest. Of course Oz and Cordelia walk in on them at that moment.

     a.. Poor Cordelia. First she walks in on her boyfriend kissing another girl, and then a steel rod impales her as she falls through unstable concrete. Thank goodness she lived. Xander visits her in the hospital, but she wants nothing to do with him anymore.

     a.. Lately Xander has been acting like a huge jerk, but in this episode he's more likeable. Of course most of his scenes are with Willow, so he was in lovesick mode. And when Cordelia fell and got hurt (understatement), he totally forgot about his own injury (and Willow) and climbed down to check her out. What a sweetie.

     a.. Oz wont talk to Willow, and Willow feels horrible. She's never been in this position before, so it's really tearing her up. She really wants to make things right with Oz, and she tells Buffy this. That's the one good thing now, is that Buffy knows and Willow can now confide in her.

     a.. As for Buffy, her mother eases up on the college rush. She says it's not necessary that Buffy go all the way across the country to go to school, and that there are plenty of fine schools around the area that may do just fine. And as for Angel, Buffy knows that what she wants from him she can never have. They can't keep fooling themselves; they can't ever just be friends. Angel says there must be a way they can still see each other, but she says that the only way that could happen is if he can say that he doesn't love her anymore. Of course he can't lie, so she leaves once again.

     This episode was pretty sad for all of the couples breaking up, and for poor Cordelia being injured in such a horrible way, but this episode was one of the best in the season so far. For an episode that had Giles actually taking a break, Oz using his werewolf senses, and Joyce comforting Spike, I give Lover's Walk 4.5 ehs out of 5.

Story - by JaKaL

Villian - by Kaboo

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